Happy meal is the one that picks you up even on days when the dark clouds cover up the rays of sun. It lifts up the mood and lets you enjoy the day feeling lighter and easy on body. Well in our earlier article on rice we have clearly clarified that rice is not glycaemic enemy to our body. However people still feel wheat to be better over rice. Why not think about other options which could add the fibre content to your diet and take away the fear of weight gain or increase in sugar. One such millet is Jowar or Sorghum Vulgare comes from the family of Sorghum. Best alternative to – all purpose flour or even wheat. Best gluten free option loaded with fibre, protein, iron and copper along with potassium and phosphorous which helps to reduce cholesterol and control high blood pressure. Yummy tasty Indian gravies can be made healthier and good when combined with Jowar Bhakri/roti instead of maida(all purpose flour)naans. Even best cakes and cookies can be made healthier with Sorghum flour addition.
In today’s world when we all look for super foods to boost our immunity one such old super food grown abundantly in USA, Nigeria, India, Australia, Mexico and many other countries is Sorghum. It can grow in variety of soils however clayey soils are said to be the best. It can be grown in almost all seasons, it is a draught tolerant crop and flourishes in dry regions of the world.
Sorghum (Jowar) Classification by Intended Purposes
- Grain Sorghum – is mainly used as a principal food in tropical areas and often used as raw materials for alcoholic beverages, sweets and glucose.
- Sweet Sorghum – sweet sorghum is used as a material for sweetener syrup
- Broom Sorghum -Broom sorghum is used as a material to make brooms
- Grass Sorghum – Grass sorghum is grown for green feed and forage use.
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When people ask about protein missing in vegetarian diets, adding 1 cup of Sorghum has 22gms of the protein, essential for cell regeneration, muscle building and gives that feeling of fullness without the fear of increase on the weighing scale. 1 cup of Jowar is packed with essential vitamins- 28% cell building VIT B3 (Niacin),Vit A for healthy eye and Vit B6. Also has minerals like– calcium, copper, phosphorous, potassium and antioxidants. All these together help body build up a stronger defence system – “Immunity”.
It is a good food option for diabetic patient and to control obesity because of its higher fibre content and it’s a complex carbohydrate hence gets digested slowly and releases sugar slowly in the body. It curbs the unwanted cravings in people fighting with obesity. Good for heart as it lowers the blood cholesterol and is a gut friendly food. Several researches have shown that the presence of potent antioxidant in Jowar helps prevent developing of certain types of oesophageal and stomach cancer seen in people who have Jowar as a staple in their diet. This is because the antioxidant scavenges the free radicals that promote formation of cancer cells.
Jowar l is loaded with minerals including calcium which helps to strengthen the bones along with ample amounts of magnesium which helps to absorb the calcium in the body. Thus making the body stronger and helps in fractures by providing the essential calcium required.
As per Ayurveda it balances pitta and kapha dosha, increases vata dosha. It improves taste, its light to digest, causes moistness, helps to cure blood related diseases; it’s said to be slightly aphrodisiac. By nature Jowar is sweet and astringent in taste, its potency is cold and it’s dry in nature hence the addition of ghee is adviced to help control the increase in vata dosha in people who have vata body type and ailments related to vata. Also jowar is advised in various combination in various seasons to be able to suit the body well.
Jowar stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss as it helps to increase the haemoglobin content of the body by supplying 58% of recommended copper and essential iron. Being rich in Vit B, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin helps in hair growth. Sometimes it’s not about external application it’s about internally nourishment which prevents hairfall.
Surprise yourself with healthy glowing skin naturally. Make a pack with 1tsp jowar, 1/2tsp curd, pinch of turmeric and 2-4 drops of honey apply over face and wash when slightly dry. Feel the skin hydrated and radiant with the pack since the niacin, riboflavin, thiamine,folate,along with copper,iron,phosphorous and antioxidant work together to get that perfect skin. Jowar prevents excessive production of melanoma cells and prevents skin cancer.
Jowar is best gluten free option for celiac diseases and gluten intolerance people. This humble millet adds its benefits to our body when consumed. Make it a part of your diet plan for those who are biased on wheat mix a part of jowar with wheat to relish the wellness incentives packed in it.
Coming to the start of the article on lifting your mood. Jowar contains Vit B6 that is necessary for production of neurotransmitters called GABA (Gamma aminobutyric acid). GABA regulates the nerve response in the body. Thus hike in its level leads to improved mood, better focus, lowers the level of stress and keeps one a few steps away from depression.
Food and mind are indeed connected and thus selecting the right kind of food is essential as per the season and body type. Also knowledge of food and the best way to consume power foods is important because if not done properly the nectar can turn to poison.