Losing weight is difficult and gaining weight is easy. We spend tons of time and money in losing weight and gain ill health after all the big investment. But we never question ourselves on what the reasons could be. We blame the person whom we approached for weight loss or the method used on for weight loss. We never learn during the process how our body reacts and tries to tell us things we should avoid.
Weight loss and weight gain all depend on your gut. How well we eat, exercise, sleep and most important our physical and mental balance. Our gut is reflected on what are body is seen as fat or thin.
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Maintaining the metabolism is the key to good health and safe on weighing scale. Few things which are important and to be followed for weight loss are as below –
- Water – Drinking sufficient quantity of water daily helps in maintaining the body system as our body is made by 70% of water. Apart from quantity quality of water consumed plays a vital role. In today’s world of purified system water undergoes so many processes that it loses its quality. Systems like RO (reverse osmosis) purification, UV purification instead of helping in body systems it kills the body system. Not all water need RO purification, it is required for hard water. The major loss in this process of filtration is the minerals thus making the water more acidic in PH. Always check your water TDS level before having RO installed. Highest level recommended is 500 ppm ; levels below 300ppm is excellent ;levels between 300 -500ppm good; between 500 – 900ppm fair; between 900 -1200ppm poor and above 1200ppm unacceptable; levels below 100ppm is major cause for hair fall and heart diseases.
- Another way for water filtration is UV (ultraviolet light) this kills bacteria, viruses, moulds, algae, and other microorganisms, which multiply and grow in water. UV disinfection technology destroys the DNA of microorganisms which leaves them dead and unable to grow further. But on the other hand UV filtration does not remove the dissolved salts and impurities residing in the water. They stay intact even after being treated by the UV filters. Any form of dissolved impurities like pesticides, fluorides etc are not treated by the UV water purifier system. A UV water purifier is not made for treating dirty or muddy water. The water should be cleaned prior to treating it in UV water filter. It has to pass through a basic purifying system and then the viruses and bacteria can be treated in the UV water purifier. The UV water purifiers can be worked upon water that has a TDS (Total Dissolved Salts) limit of up to 200 ppm (parts per million) and the water having a TDS limit greater than this is not suitable for this purification system.
Hence before going in for big investment in water purification system it is important to check as per our requirements what is the nature of water available for drinking. Water provided through the water resource have already undergone Chlorination process and sometimes even simple cost effective systems like Boiling and filtration could help over other purification systems.
- Well – applicable to a well balanced diet and well balanced physical routine
It is impossible for each one of us to sit and draw a chart and follow the cooking and eating process as per our needs of components in the body. Since food is made not as per individual need it is as per family needs. Balanced diet has to have things for all the members of the family at all meal time. Quantity may vary as per individual needs but diet has to have the basic needs for everybody. Fad diets and social media discovered diets work short lived and do not work on individual level. A diet should be easy to the body, as per local season, local foods available and local preparations. A diet has to be lifelong suitable to the body and help to nourish the body timely. Diet changes should be made as per the seasons with use of vegetables, fruits, spices and use of local recipes to help body blend up with the environment it lives in.
- Wake up – one need to wake up early, sleep early and follow the natures cloak to help the body cloak function properly. Waking up before sunrise is essential as per Ayurveda as the mind is fresh and concentration is at its best. It’s the best time to practice pranayam, yoga and meditation. Wake up every day at same time this helps to build a routine for the body cloak; the body system slowly awakens just like the sun rises from the horizon. As a result you can see best hormone production, better digestion and better oneself physically and mentally with lot of “me time” to listen to inner self and act.
- Walk – ditch the shortcuts in life and take the correct path. Walking helps in circulation and better muscular movements. Too much sitting slows the body with slow digestion and converts food to fat. You don’t need a watch to count your steps. You need to count steps to keep your body going healthy. A simple walk around helps the body exercise its muscles and improve circulation to help cut the fat deposition seen in sedentary lifestyle.
- Wait and watch – in the fast moving world we all have lost patience. Today everything is weighed and counted on gadgets. Your body is best understood by yourself not by gadgets. Scales cannot make you fat or thin they are not to be used to function your life, they are to be used as guides to help you in your journey of healthy body. Our body works on actions and emotions. Correct action helps you lose the weight gained through wrong actions and emotions. Do not go for pills and drinks as part of body shaping. Medications are to be strictly taken under the supervision of your doctor as per the body requirement. What works for some doesn’t work for all, if it would then doctors would not be required. Things marketing under the name of Ayurveda are not to be consumed as per marketing presentation. They are to be taken only under the guidance of a registered medical practitioner. Ayurveda is ancient Indian medical science and not home remedies put together.
Things that are to be avoided for weight loss –
Everything that shines is not diamond and same goes for everything that is white and polished. White sugar, white salt, white flour and white grains are all for marketing and selling not advised for consumption.
Simple understanding of body and food helps to build a beautiful healthy body castle. There is no gain without pain but all the pain you take in understanding your body helps you gain a healthy body and mind.