Yoga Therapy Goa
Yoga poses, breathing techniques, meditation, and guided imagery are all used in our yoga therapy in Goa to enhance both physical and mental well-being. Our Yoga therapy’s emphasis on the whole person by promoting the fusion of the mind, body, and spirit.
Yoga Therapy Centre
Scientific data is starting to highlight the effectiveness of yoga therapy, a sector that is expanding. It is used to address mental and physical health conditions that already exist, but it is also useful as a self-care technique for protection and repair.
Dr. Desaiss clinic – yoga center in goa is well established to provide yoga therapy for anxiety, yoga therapy for mental health and more.
Yoga therapy is utilised to treat various physical health conditions because it places a strong emphasis on the integration of the mind and body. Back pain, heart issues, asthma, chronic fatigue, hypertension, and chemotherapy side effects have all been successfully treated with it.
What To Expect From Yoga Therapy Goa
A person who decides to start yoga therapy goa will first have an initial examination done by our ayurvedic doctor in goa. The objectives of this assessment are as follows:
- Determine any health issues
- Examine your habits and physical condition.
- Describe the causes you’re seeking counselling.
- Make a plan of treatment.
Following the development of the treatment strategy during this initial consultation, the frequency of sessions is decided upon and appointments are made. The following aspects will most likely be used in therapy sessions going forward:
pranayama: the therapist will lead the client through a range of breathing techniques, from energising breaths to balancing breaths.
Physical positions (asana): the therapist will show the patient how to perform suitable yoga poses that target specific problem areas. For instance, the “legs up the wall” pose is used in the treatment of insomnia and anxiety.
Meditation: when meditation is used in conjunction with yoga postures, the emphasis is on relaxation and attention.
Guided visualisation: the yoga therapist leads a guided visualisation to promote inner peace in an effort to soothe the body and mind.
Do your homework: finding a way to apply yoga to daily life is a crucial component of any yoga practice. Yoga therapists offer guidance on how to apply what has been gained in therapy at home.
Yoga Therapy Benefits
Yoga therapy goa benefits include both short-term happiness and long-term change. Both are crucial in the world of fitness. It may be very discouraging to spend a lot of time with little to show for it, and become stagnant from repetition of the same routines week after week. Yoga has the power to quickly alter your physical and mental capabilities while preparing your body and mind for long-term wellness. Discover our panchakarma treatment in goa for toxin cleansing and disease reversal.
Yoga promotes general health and wellbeing
Yoga promotes a healthy lifestyle in addition to physical fitness. Everyone can discover stillness in a chaotic environment via the practice of yoga. Everyone is drawn to the calm and peace that focused exercise may provide.
The deep breathing and meditation techniques of yoga encourage an inner shift away from to-do lists, spouse and child needs, money worries, and relationship difficulties to something slightly bigger than the problems you are currently facing. Yoga reduces tension and clears the mind, which aids in your ability to concentrate.
Training for Strength and Flexibility
When the stretching in yoga is combined with a healthy, organic diet, it helps to restore the digestive tract and can help with constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (ibs), and acid reflux. Yoga also helps muscles lengthen by extending them while holding positions, which makes the body appear longer and leaner.
Yoga’s emphasis on flexibility and strength training is incredibly beneficial to your body. The poses are designed to strengthen your body from the inside out, enhancing both your appearance and your overall well-being. Every yoga posture is designed to strengthen the muscles that surround the spine, which is the very centre of your body and the hub from which everything else functions. Correct core function improves posture, which reduces back, shoulder, and neck pain.
Want to make booking or have a question?
Call us on +91 9145632334/ +91 9822184814 or simply book an appointment