Myth: Ayurveda Is Herbal.
Fact: Ayurveda is just not about herbs. Ayurvedic treatment also includes milk and milk products, honey, alcohol, oils, minerals, salts, ashes etc.
Myth: Ayurvedic Treatment Is Vegetarian.
Fact: Some Ayurvedic preparations also include meat or fish extracts.
Myth: Ayurvedic Principles Are Different From Modern Science.
Fact: Ayurveda believes that a disease results from the increase or decrease in the level of ‘Thridoshas’, i.e.- the Vatha, Pitha and Kapha. These are present throughout the body and responsible for functions like – motility, power, oxygen transport, digestion, development of body, metabolism and sustenance of life. These are one of the best way to map the human body. Several Allopathic practitioners also believe the same.
Myth: Ayurveda Do Not Perform Clinical Trials.
Fact: Ayurveda is in use since thousands of years. The medicinal preparations have already got perfected due to keen observation and experience during their long extensive use. All Ayurvedic preparations undergo even more extensive trials.
Myth: Ayurveda Is A Slow Process.
Fact: Medicines act slow or fast depending on cause of the disease. Fast improvement will occur if diagnosed properly and appropriate treatment is advised. But curing depends on the disease.
Myth: Anyone Can Learn And Use Ayurveda For Treatment.
Fact: Self-learning and treating may be ineffective at best or dangerous at worst. Different people have different body constitution, which is termed as ‘Prakrithi’ in Ayurveda. Medicinal preparations prescribed to one may not be the same for another person in spite of same disease and symptoms. Consult a practitioner always.
Myth: Ayurvedic Medicines Are Safe.
Fact: Some herbs contains toxic molecules. So some other herbs are added to counteract the side effects. More serious are labelled as ‘To be taken under medical supervision’.
Myth: Ayurveda Have Side Effects.
Fact: Many medicinal herbs have toxic in them. Medicinal preparations often include other herbs to counteract the harmful effects. Some herbs are very safe for direct use.
Myth: All Ayurvedic Treatments Include Massage.
Fact: Ayurvedic Massage cannot cure all diseases. It is effective only in certain ailments. Ayurvedicmassages require specialized practitioners.
Myth: Proprietary Medicines Are More Effective Than Traditional.
Fact: Traditional medicinal preparations should always be prioritized. They have been proved over many live-case studies since long. But certain proprietary preparations are found effective in curing. Always consider the Manufacture before using any Proprietary one.
Myth: Ayurveda Is A Branch Of Medicine.
Fact: Ayurveda is a lifestyle. Healthy living, appropriate eating, adequate sleep, proper exercise are pillars of Ayurveda.
Myth: Ayurveda is not a science.
Fact: Ayurveda has principles and methodologies proved on scientific basis. It is not regarded as science by many as it did not develop inside any lab. But Ayurveda also has its branches like any other sciences. They are – Surgery (Shalya-chikitsa), Treatment of diseases above the belly (Salakyam), Internal medicine (Kaaya-chikitsa), Psychaitry (Bhuta vidya), Paediatrics (Kaumarabhrtyam), Toxicology (Agadatantram), Immunity (rasayanam), Aphrodisiacs (Vajikaranam); in total eight branches called the Ashtanga Ayurveda. Although there is lot of righteousness and incredibility allied to Ayurveda therapy, yet at the same time Ayurvedic practitioners find themselves answering some myths and misconceptions relating to the ancient wisdom. I therefore find it highly imperative on my behalf to help clear all such notions and fallacies which mainly arise due to ignorance and not understanding the righteous comprehension of the science of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda Myths and Facts
Ayurveda medicine is difficult to take
This is true to some extent, as the medicine in this field requires to be adjusted to a medium that would enhance its properties. Most of the classical drugs are available in the form of powders, tablets, syrups and chutneys. Yet, these days a majority of pharmaceutical companies have come out with effective patent drugs in easy tablets and capsules form. These are quite effective as these mostly contain extract form of the medicine/herbs.
Ayurvedic Doctor in Goa at Dr. Desai’s Clinic is here to clear all such myths about Ayurveda be in touch with us for more such blog posts.
Ayurveda medicine is non-researched
I would not agree to this false belief because our inherent pathy of Ayurveda is age-old and time tested. Since times immemorial this system of medicine has been in use and has proved to be result oriented and justified. It would be of good concern to ponder over the fact that the same herbal drugs and formulations that had been used hundreds of years ago are still in use. There has been little or no replacements whatsoever.
Ayurveda medicine is too expensive
Not all Ayurvedic medicines are expensive. Though, it is a combination of drugs that make the same less pocket friendly. Yet, there are options and substitutes available. Some medicinal formulations contain expensive ingredients like gold and silver. These are generally prescribed only in case of chronic or severe form of disease.
Ayurveda medicine is offensive in taste and odour
There is no denying of the fact that some medicines like the blood purifiers tend to be bitter. But that is exactly what the patient with a skin disease is missing on. The bitter or pungent taste is required for the body so as to perform the cleansing act effectively. Even then if the patient is unable to take a particular product, the doctor would definitely suggest a combination medium like honey or mishri.
Ayurveda medicine contains steroids
This sort of misconceptions is also prevalent nowadays, especially among the more cognizant class. Yet, let me avail this chance to absolutely contradict this doubt. The medicines in the Ayurvedic system is either herb based or there are formulations prepared from natural resources or metals that have been thoroughly prepared in accordance with the pharmaceutical and pharmacological evidence available in the Ayurvedic texts. You could escape these doubts when visiting a registered and qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.